Our Vision: A FAIR world in which people control their own lives, their basic rights are achieved and the environment is sustained.
Oxfam Australia aims to increase the number of people who have a sustainable livelihood, access to social services, an effective voice in decisions, equal rights and status, and safety from conflict and disaster.
The work of Oxfam Australia is a partnership through which Australians enable poor and marginalised people to control their own development, achieve equality, exercise their basic rights and ensure the environment is healthy and sustainable.
Our Values: The Group exists with Oxfam Australia to contribute to a fairer world to overcome poverty and injustice - challenging and changing the structural causes of poverty and empowering people to control their lives and achieve their human rights with long-term changes and sustainability.
Oxfam Australia wants to be -
- innovative, dynamic and bold;
- compassionate and committed;
- authoritative and influential;
- transparent, accountable and ethical;
- independent and secular; and
- effective, efficient and capable.
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