Click here for information about Launceston Oxfam Group

Sunday, 30 June 2013

July/August Activities

Re: Mrs Ros Lewis' email

Please Note: Change of date

Change of date: Next Oxfam meeting

Change of date of next Oxfam meeting on Monday, July 8th at 6pm at the Royal Oak.The new date will enable us to meet with Clancy Moore, Campaigns Coordinator. He’s here to lobby politicians and present a workshop at the SOS conference. If you have half price meal vouchers from Tuesday’s Examiner, bring them!


a.      Campaign info from Clancy

b.      Regular reports & plans, including AGM details. See attached Minutes. Note – since last meeting, Band Night has been cancelled as it is unviable for our group this year. Tas AGM postponed till September.


5-9 July – Students of Sustainability Conference Launceston - Oxfam will have a stall Sun. 7th & workshop Mon 8th.

Help needed with some aspects. E.g. shifting furniture afternoon of Thurs. 4th & Wed. 10th; also  Stall Lunchtime Sun. 7th Contact Ros if you can help.


8, 9 and 12 July – lobbying politicians – If you can join Clancy at 2pm on 8th July to lobby Peter Whish-Wilson, please let me know. Same re Geoff Lyons 9am Tues 9thWe also have an appointment with Andrew Nikolic 11am Friday 12th unfortunately without Clancy. Jeff & Ros possibly available, negotiable. Recommended as a good learning experience.


Non-Oxfam event.  Sunday 14th July – Drive for Life (MRC) barbecue at Bunnings. Volunteers contact Ros


19-21 July – Fairly Educated ConferenceHobart. Register by 30 June. Ros will run the Oxfam stall on behalf of Amanda.


Thurs 8 August – Bass Political candidates forum on Overseas Aid; details soon. Amanda, Eric and Allison have been interviewed for the short film to set the scene.


Tas. Oxfam AGM Date & details t. b. a.- probably in September – a brief meeting by video conference or Skype; Main business to discuss annual & financial reports & elect new Tas. committee (current members are Mara, Sue & Ros). Possibly Also a short info segment.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

The Kiosk supports Oxfam

Fancy something for lunch? 

Drop by The Kiosk at Centreway Arcade and see our ever friendly Trish and her crews for a quick bite.

Trish has a good selection of quick and easy lunches and/or snacks to have at The Kiosk or take away. :)

Do also purchase a mug of FairTrade coffee when you are there to support both The Kiosk and Oxfam Shop. 

The Oxfam Launceston Shop and the local Oxfam Australia groups would like to express our sincerest thanks to Trish for her ongoing support of the Oxfam Shop buying and selling Oxfam Australia Fair 'World Blend Organic Espresso Beans' to her valued customers.

Monday, 10 June 2013

SALE SALE SALE saleeeeeeeee!!!

Do Not Forget, the Sale is on from today to the end of the month!!! ;)


Check out the bargain online or at the shop.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Upcoming Events

Change of date: 
Oxfam meeting on WEDNESDAY, June 12th at 6pm at the Royal Oak (downstairs)
Some great events coming up this week, listed below:

TUESDAY, June 11th
Federal Election Policy Forum
Energy Policy – where do the parties stand?
5.30 for 6.00 start
Lecture Theatre 5, Sir Raymond Ferrall Centre University of Tasmania, Newnham Campus,
·        Labor Party: Mr Geoff Lyons MHR, Member for Bass
·        Greens Party: Senator Peter Whish-Wilson
·        Liberal Party: Mr Andrew Nikolic, endorsed candidate for Bass.
Each candidate will have their own timeslot to speak and answer your questions.
Forum presented and convened by: ATA Tas North Branch A not-for-profit organisation promoting renewable energy, sustainable building and water conservation.
ENQUIRIES contact David Hamilton or 0419 354 760.

WEDNESDAY, June 12th
Launceston Oxfam Group meeting –
Royal Oak, 6 – 7.15 pm. General business including reviews of past activities and future planning, especially about a possible Band Night

MONDAY, June 17 at 12noon
Urban Farming  food give-aways & swaps.  Academy of Arts, Inveresk

WEDNESDAY, June 19th
Movie:Mary meets Mohammad
5.30pm Nibbles and drinks for 6pmScreening Lecture Theatre 5, Sir Raymond Ferrall Building, UTAS Newnham campus RSVP
This film follows the arrival of the first detainees at Tasmania’s Pontville detention centre.  The story is told through the eyes of local Christian woman, and knitting club member, Mary, and Muslim Afghan Hazara asylum seeker, Mohammad, as they connect through the gift of a knitted beanie.
Q & A session with film maker  after the screening.
For more information

FRIDAY, June 21st
Sally Sara in Hobart 
SUNDAY, June 23rd
Walk together
12.30 gather & walk start outside UTas Library Newnham to the …
1 – 3pm “Restoring Hope” Community Concert
For Refugee Week 2013
Uniting Church Hall, Mowbray (behind the ANZ Bank)
ALL WELCOME Please bring a plate of afternoon tea to share
5-9 July – Students of Sustainability Conference Launceston - register by 9 June for Earlybird tickets. (Oxfam will have a presence- detail to be confirmed)

Friday, 7 June 2013

Community Breakfast - Tomorrow at 7.30am

7.30am Saturday 8 June Community Breakfast

Where do my clothes come from: the inside story of the garment industry in Bangladesh

Organised by City Baptist Church to hear Jeff McClintock talk about. Jeff and Leah worked in community development in Bangladesh for a number of years.


Milton Hall Lounge, 11 Frederick Street (enter via side door in the alleyway)

$4 per person

Jeff McClintock is a youth and church representative for World Vision and former TEAR Australia fieldworker


Enquiries: Guy Barnett 0428 622 333

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Photo Frames

Are you thinking of displaying your favourite photographs at home or in the office?

Why don't you drop by the Oxfam Shop and check out the different types and sizes of photo frames in store for you? Oxfam has a range of quality photo frames made from timber to recycled materials (Eco-friendly!).

Monday, 3 June 2013

Sale from June 10th to 30th

It is SALE time at our local Oxfam Shop again! The June Sale starts on the 10th of June but the shop reopens on Tuesday, June 11th as it is a public holiday on Monday (Her Majesty the Queen's birthday). 

Come in and check out the sale items. Shopping is good for the soul! Most call it retail therapy. :)

As the end of Financial Year is around the corner, purchase some Oxfam Unwrapped (real gifts with real reward) and claim your donations through tax return. All donations from $2 is tax deductible.